The comprehensive understanding of International Project Fin
luyued 发布于 2011-06-20 05:19 浏览 N 次Project finance is the long term financing of infrastructure and industrial projects based upon the projected cash flows of the project rather than the balance sheets of the project investors. Usually, a project financing structure involves a number of equity investors, as well as a syndicate of banks that provide loans to the project. The loans are most commonly non-recourse loans or limited-recourse loans, which are paid entirely from project cash flow, rather than from the general assets or creditworthiness of the project investors. To avoiding the credit risk, securing all of the project assets is basic requirement, including the revenue-producing contracts. Project lenders are given a lien on all of these assets, and are able to assume control of a project if the project company has difficulties complying with the loan terms.
Project financing is the common way to get fund from the internatioanal captial market,especially for “green land project”. At the same time, it is also the most complex and difficult financing method with the long process and terrible law files. Traditionally, project financing has been most commonly used in the mining, transportation, telecommunication and public utility industries. Now, we can share the comprehensive understanding of internatioanal project financing based on a real case as the following:
1. the real case
Xinxing pipe group, the largest DI pipe company in the world, set up a joint venture called Xindia, with Minmetal and several indian investors in Indian,which will grow up to the most powerful steel plant in Indian. At the first phrase in 2008, Xindi planed to set up a 2 million tons pellets plant. Unfortunately, that plan was made up in September 2008, just several days before the bankrupt of RBS. It is hard to get any fund by project financing without credible guarantee during the horrible financial crisis, no matter in china or from the international marker. Xindia change it plan from 2 million tons to 0.8 million tons, cut down the investment plan, sign exclusive sales contract with Minmetal, mortgage all asset and 50% equities to the banks. At the end, Xindia got the project loan from the Inidan local syndicate banks leading by SBI, the largest Indian bank. That was the first time which Indian banks lend to a project controlled by china state-owned company. Now, the pellet plant are bring into use, and the second phrase of DI pipe plant are ready. CDB have made the commitment as the leading bank of project financing with the commercial guarantee of Sinosure.
新兴铸管集团,国际上最大的球墨铸管生产企业,与五矿集团和一些印度投资者在印度设立一家合资企业Xindia,希望成长为印度最具影响力的钢铁厂。在2008年的一期规划中,Xindia计划设立一家200万吨的球团厂。很遗憾, 这个决定制定于2008年的九月,就在苏格兰皇家银行破产前几天。在金融危机中,无论在国内还是在国际上,没有足值担保的项目贷款是很难融到钱的。Xindia把生产规模降低到80万吨,减少了投资总额,与五矿集团签订了包销协议,将全部资产和50%的股权抵押给银行,最终获得了以印度最大的银行——印度国家银行为牵头行的印度本土银团的项目贷款。这也是印度银行首次贷款给中国国有企业控股的项目。现在,球团厂已经投入运营,二期铸管厂也开始准备。国家开发银行已经承诺作为项目贷款的牵头行,中国出口信用保险公司也将提供商业保险。
2. the key points of project financing
According to the unforeseeable risk and limited-recourse, the most important point of project financing is the credit construction, which make the banks sure that the cash flow will reach the expected level. The key elements which can infulece the banks judgement as the following:
(1)the successful history:
Nothing is more poweful to make sure the end of project except the successful history. The No 1 rank of DI pipe market is the most useful evidence than all words, and is the base of the project loan.
(2)prefect business logic:
The history is history, it can prove you have the ability to be winner, but it can not make the future sure. So you have make the prefect business logic to prove that you can do better than before, because you have the better resources. Advanced Xinxing technology in Di pipes, the huge iron market in china and the vast potential pipe market in Indian, the international trading channels from Minmetal, the cheaper and rich iron resouce from Indian, the powerful infulence from local investors, and the new partner from US, all those make a prefect logic and plan to success.
(3)necessary credit assurance
To the bankers, the successful history and prefect logic are castles in the air, they can understand, they can agree what you have said. At the end, you should show hands to help them chear the doubts. First of all, 30% of total investment is common requirement as the equity; Second, a SPE (special purpose entity) which has no assets other than the project is required; Third, any way can locate risk amont the participators are encouraged, just like long-term contracts of construction, supply, off-take and concession agreements; Finally, A complex project finance structure may incorporate corporate finance, securitization, options, insurance provisions or other types of collateral enhancement to mitigate unallocated risk.
3. Conclusions
(1) According to the investors, the most valuable points of project financing are long-term period and limited-recourse. The 7-10 years long-term loan and interest-free during constructing period can lower down the risk and pressure of investors. Limited-recourse can protect the maximum right of investors especiall in developing market.
(2) At the banks’ side, the core business of project financing is stable cash flow. That is why the transportation, telecommunication and public utility industries use that method frequently, but other industries not.
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